Starting my web development journey (day 12 - 18)

Day 12 - 14

Through this period I started learning Java. This was a pivot that I made since I'm going to join a Bootcamp soon for Java development. I'm finding it a bit more difficult than I thought but I wasn't putting all my focus into it. That will change of course once I start the Bootcamp and try to out a lot more effort into learning Java. I did complete the free course on Sololearn and I learned all the basics, but I would like to get more hands-on and do more projects using Java. Especially when it comes to web development.


Day 15-18

I started the Web Developer Bootcamp 2022 by Colt Steele and I'm enjoying it. Colt is very thorough with his lessons and always makes sure to include lots of quizzes and projects to cement the lessons into your mind. Through this period I learned more about responsive web design using media queries. I also learned how to use Bootstrap and implement the library into my code to make websites look good and responsive really quickly.

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Learning how to make your websites more responsive is great and definitely a requirement, especially in this environment when a lot of users are browsing websites with their phones. This is something I need to focus more on and make sure that all the websites I make are responsive in some fashion.